Testing locally

This step is optional since we will run tests on the CI server. However it’s the fastest way to check that everything is ready and working correctly.

Script jenkins.py will package a temporary Hunter archive based on current state and build the specified example. This script uses Polly toolchains.

Check you have Python 3 installed, clone Polly, add its bin folder to PATH environment variable, go back to Hunter repository and run test.

On Linux:

> which python3

> git clone https://github.com/cpp-pm/polly
> cd polly
[polly]> export PATH="`pwd`/bin:$PATH"

> cd hunter
[hunter]> which polly.py

[hunter]> polly.py --help
Python version: 3.5
usage: polly.py [-h]

[hunter]> TOOLCHAIN=gcc PROJECT_DIR=examples/hunter_box_1 ./jenkins.py

On Windows:

> git clone https://github.com/cpp-pm/polly
> cd polly
[polly]> set PATH=%CD%\bin;%PATH%

> cd hunter
[hunter]> where polly.py

[hunter]> polly.py --help
Python version: 3.5
usage: polly.py [-h]

[hunter]> set TOOLCHAIN=vs-12-2013
[hunter]> set PROJECT_DIR=examples\hunter_box_1
[hunter]> .\jenkins.py

Testing documentation locally

To locally check if the documentation is still building you can run:

[hunter]> cd docs
[hunter/docs]> source ./jenkins.sh
(_venv) [hunter/docs]> ./make.sh

If the documentation contains spelling errors or unrecognized names, the documentation test build will fail and report the unrecognized strings. Fix any spelling errors and test the build again. Any remaining errors can be fixed by adding all correct but unrecognized names, string, or terms to the spelling header at the top of the document entry docs/packages/pkg/bar-baz.rst. In this example, bar-baz would be a package name that is not in the dictionary.

.. spelling::


.. index::
  single: unsorted ; bar-baz

.. _pkg.bar-baz:

Add entries for each term until the test build completes successfully.

Common mistake

Please do not forget to substitute ===.



