Use version from Git submodule

Hunter allows the creation of an archive with sources on the fly by getting it from a Git submodule.


> git clone
> cd git-submodule-integration
[git-submodule-integration]> git submodule update --init .

To instruct Hunter to use the contents of the submodule, add a local config file and set the GIT_SUBMODULE flag:

# CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2)

    URL ""
    SHA1 "3319fe6a3b08090df7df98dee75134d68e2ef5a3"
    LOCAL # <----- load cmake/Hunter/config.cmake
# cmake/Hunter/config.cmake
hunter_config(fruits GIT_SUBMODULE "3rdParty/fruits")

The path set by the GIT_SUBMODULE flag is the same as in the .gitmodules file:

[git-submodule-integration]> cat .gitmodules
[submodule "3rdParty/fruits"]
  path = 3rdParty/fruits
  url =

At the configure step Hunter will run the command git archive to pack sources:

[git-submodule-integration]> cmake -H. -B_builds -DHUNTER_STATUS_DEBUG=ON
-- [hunter *** DEBUG *** ...] Creating archive '/.../git-submodule-integration/_builds/_3rdParty/Hunter/git-archives/fruits.tar'

Let’s build the project and run tests:

[git-submodule-integration]> cmake --build _builds
[git-submodule-integration]> (cd _builds && ctest -VV)
1: Quick meal:
1:   plum x 2
1:   pear x 1

If you want to make changes to the dependent project (the one added as submodule) and test them, you have to commit patches first:

[git-submodule-integration]> cd 3rdParty/fruits
[fruits]> grep return lib/fruits/rosaceae/Plum.cpp
return "plum";
[fruits]> vim lib/fruits/rosaceae/Plum.cpp
[fruits]> grep return lib/fruits/rosaceae/Plum.cpp
return "plum-v2";
[fruits]> git add lib/fruits/rosaceae/Plum.cpp
[fruits]> git commit -m 'Update'

Go back to the parent directory and run build. There is no need to run configure again, corresponding Git files are watched by CMake hence the configure step will start automatically when the build step is invoked:

[fruits]> cd ../..
[git-submodule-integration]> cmake --build _builds

Run tests to see changes:

[git-submodule-integration]> (cd _builds && ctest -VV)
1: Quick meal:
1:   plum-v2 x 2
1:   pear x 1

Possible problems with GIT_SUBMODULE

When using a package via the GIT_SUBMODULE option, the Hunter defined CMake variable HUNTER_<package>_VERSION is set to the commit hash of the Git sub-module. If the hunter.cmake file of the package contains logic that depends on the value of the HUNTER_<package>_VERSION variable, using the GIT_SUBMODULE option may break the package build. If that is the case you can add explicit VERSION value to hunter_config.

Use subdirectory of submodule

To instruct hunter to archive a subdirectory of the Git submodule add the keyword HUNTER_SUBMODULE_SOURCE_SUBDIR to the CMake arguments:

# cmake/Hunter/config.cmake
hunter_config(fruits GIT_SUBMODULE "3rdParty/fruits"

The created archive will contain just the subfolder app of the submodule.

GIT_SUBMODULE vs add_subdirectory

Note that we can achieve the same by adding sources with add_subdirectory:

# top level CMakeLists.txt
# ...


The only pros of add_subdirectory approach is that build artifacts of the fruits will live in our _builds directory. GIT_SUBMODULE will add new package in the same way as regular release-based packages added, meaning that after installation all build artifacts will be removed. Every new version start build from scratch.

Next cons of using add_subdirectory:

  • Dependent project fruits is not installed, hence CMake API usage may be different. If package has target fruits_rosaceae internally then after installation it can be fruits::fruits_rosaceae
  • For the same reason C++ API may be different, e.g. #include directives
  • It’s not two separate projects now - it’s one big project. Hence they will share same cache which may lead to options conflicts, targets name conflicts, targets from both projects will be installed, tests from both projects will be run
  • Correctness. Note that add_subdirectory can be used only for dependencies which is not used by other packages in Hunter. If current project use package zoo which depends on fruits we can’t do add_subdirectory(fruits) since hunter_add_package(zoo) will build and use fruits from Hunter. See next chapter for details


GIT_SUBMODULE allow you to correctly inject new version of package into existent hierarchy of packages.

For example let’s take a look at the project which use TIFF, TIFF depends on ZLIB:

> git clone
> cd git-submodule-integration-deps
[git-submodule-integration-deps]> git submodule update --init .

First let’s remove LOCAL config and build standard TIFF with standard ZLIB:

# CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2)

    URL ""
    SHA1 "3319fe6a3b08090df7df98dee75134d68e2ef5a3"



Config-ID is f743b0b:

[git-submodule-integration-deps]> cmake -H. -B_builds -DHUNTER_STATUS_DEBUG=ON
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
/usr/bin/cc ... -isystem ~/.hunter/_Base/3b39eff/e1266bb/f743b0b/Install/include ... /.../tif_zip.c

Now let’s add LOCAL back and run build again:

# CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2)

    URL ""
    SHA1 "3319fe6a3b08090df7df98dee75134d68e2ef5a3"


# cmake/Hunter/config.cmake
hunter_config(ZLIB GIT_SUBMODULE "3rdparty/zlib")
[git-submodule-integration-deps]> cmake -H. -B_builds -DHUNTER_STATUS_DEBUG=ON

Now we are getting sources from locally created ZLIB.tar archive:

-- verifying file...

And rebuilding TIFF with newly installed ZLIB, Config-ID changed from f743b0b to 817c9cb:

/usr/bin/cc ... -isystem ~/.hunter/_Base/3b39eff/e1266bb/817c9cb/Install/include ... /.../tif_zip.c

To achieve the same with add_subdirectory you have to clone TIFF package too. Then you have to be sure that TIFF supports external ZLIB targets configuration, call add_subdirectory(3rdparty/zlib) first, then add_subdirectory(3rdparty/TIFF). Note that if you don’t know that TIFF depends on ZLIB and you just call add_subdirectory(3rdparty/zlib) you will end up with incorrect configuration!